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Animal Symbolism in Feng Shui – Your Key to Success, Happiness, and Wealth

Below are some common animals used in activating sectors in Feng Shui. There is a long list of animals you can use, this is just a sampling of them.

Cow: The Chinese honor the cow because it pulls the plow used to prepare the fields from which they reap their harvest and it represents the season of Spring.

Crane. Symbolizes fidelity and longevity. Placed with a water feature in the North, it represents good fortune, wealth, wisdom and longevity for mother and father.

Dolphins: Considered magical creatures. They are said to help you to think more freely and creatively. You may place dolphins in your child’s room or in your office.

Dragon: The dragon is one of the four Celestial Animals in Feng Shui and is the animal of the East. They can be placed almost anywhere in your home, but I would at least have one in the East. The dragon is considered “All Powerful” and is said to bring about wealth, prosperity, power, protection, great success, good luck and abundance. If you have a dragon that is holding or protecting a round object, that is said to be the Pearl of Life and symbolizes wisdom and great achievement. They do not belong in bedrooms or bathrooms.

Eagle: A picture or figurine of an eagle in full flight is an excellent symbol of success, strength, power and authority. Always have an eagle flying or perched on a tree do not show one looking fierce and predatory. Best placed in your career sector or N corner of your desk or office

Elephant: Elephants are considered sacred creatures in Feng Shui and are probably best known for their symbolism of wisdom. They also symbolize good luck, fidelity, fertility, longevity and virility.

Fish: (Arowana, Money Carp). The Fish is a symbol of wisdom, faith, freedom, wholeness and purity. In Chinese, the Arowana is called “Kam Lung Yue”, which means Golden Dragon Fish. This name is synonymous with great wealth in abundance. Fish represent Yang energy which brings good fortune into your home or business. Fish also symbolizes freedom from restriction. The fish is often seen on the soles of the Buddha’s feet which represents the power of energy.

Fu Dogs: Fu Dogs are part lion and part dragon. They are used to protect your home or office from negative energies and to ward off evil or people with bad intentions form entering your home. The male represents domain of the world at large, and the female represents offspring and home These are intended to be placed on the ground and to flank your front door. Place the male with a ball under paw on left side of door as you face out. The Female with a lion cub under her paw should be on the right.

Horse: In a galloping stance, the horse represents nobility, fame & recognition and is also used for single people looking for a life partner. Do not display a raring horse directly in front of or behind you. The best location to place the horse is the living room and in the South sector of your home or desk. Do not display the horse in any of the bedrooms.

Iguana: The iguana symbolizes creativity, spontaneity and playfulness. It is a good item to place in your child’s Personal Development sector.

Lion: Symbolizes courage and bravery. It is considered as a guardian and protector of businesses and homes. A pair of lions with both their front feet on the ground can be placed on either side of the front entry way to your home or business for protection of wealth.

Love Birds: Because love birds form an attachment to their partners and are said to pine away when one dies or they are separated, they represent devotion, fidelity and romantic bliss. Best placed in the SW of home or bedroom. These are the Western Culture’s equivalent to the Chinese Mandarin Duck.

Lucky Cat: The lucky cat has a very powerful symbolism in bringing luck and good fortune into your home. They can be placed in your Good Luck Sector or in the SE corner of home or desk. The legend behind the Luck Cat is as follows: In the 17th century , there was a run down and poverty stricken temple in Tokyo. The temple’s priest was very poor, but he shared what little food he had with his pet, Tama. One day, a feudal lord was caught in a storm while hunting and he took refuge under a big tree near the temple. While he waited for the storm to pass, the man notice Tama, the priest’s cat, beckoning him to come inside the temple gate. The feudal lord followed the cat into the temple and instantly, a lightning bolt struck the place where the lord had been standing. Thus the cat saved his life. From then on, the Lucky Cat has been considered an incarnation of the Goddess of Mercy ( Kwan Yin ).

Mandarin Ducks: Like the love birds, mandarin ducks represent devotion, fidelity and romantic bliss and should be placed in the SW sector of your home or bedroom.

Money Frog: This is a mythical animal known as the “Chan Chu” and is said to appear every full moon near homes that will receive news of increased wealth and good fortune. Also called the “Three Legged Money Frog” it is usually placed right inside your front door facing INTO the home. The coin in it’s mount should be place with the four symbols up, not down. It can also be placed in your wealth sector and next to a cash register. They are never to be placed in a kitchen, bedroom or bathroom.

Panda Bear: This beautiful animal is one of the most endangered animals in existence. It is called Da xiong mao which means giant bear cat in China. The Panda is believed to have magical powers that can ward off natural disasters and evil spirits and is also a symbol of peace.

Peacock: The peacock is the western culture equivalent to the phoenix in China. Placed in the SW of your home or bedroom it is said to attract and enhance happy relationships and marriage.

Phoenix: The phoenix is imaginary creature of the ancient Chinese Feng Shui. The phoenix is usually red or crimson in color and symbolizes the luck of wish fulfillment. The South corner of your home or office can be activated by placing the phoenix there. The phoenix is said to bring opportunities, fame and recognition. When combined with its “soul mate”, the Dragon, put in SW to attract happy relationships and marriage.

Red Bird: This can be an image or a figurine/statue of any kind of bird, a parrot, cardinal, etc. Put in the South for protection.

Rooster: If you have a lot of petty office politics going on in the workplace, displaying a rooster in your office is said to counter this negative energy. The rooster is said to quell arguments, backstabbing and politicking. Also, pointing the beak of a rooster towards a beam or column in the home will deflect the negative chi they can bring.

Tiger: The tiger is considered the king of the wild animals. It is seen as a symbol for royalty, power and fearlessness. An image of the Tiger is believed to dissipate negative chi. The Tiger is very important in Feng Shui because its stripes represent the auspicious balance of Yin and Yang.

Turtles: The turtle symbolizes support, longevity, endurance, wealth, happy family, long generations, good luck and fortune. Because the turtle is one of the celestial animals, it is said to possess protective powers as well. Legend tells us that the turtle has in his body the secret of heaven and earth and the design on his shell shows the Lo Shu magic square which is the guide for life. Turtles can be placed anywhere, but you should really have at least one in the North sector of your home. They can be facing in different directions based on what they are made of. For example: place crystal turtles facing North, metal turtles facing West, wooden facing East or Southeast, ceramic facing Southwest or Northeast. The Dragon Headed Turtle is a powerful symbol of wealth, health, prosperity and protection and should be placed in the North or the Southeast.

Wild Geese: Because wild geese always fly in pairs, they are excellent to put in SW part of your home or bedroom to enhance your romantic relationship. Geese are messengers of good news and represent the married state.